How does a headshot photographer take Professional Headshot Photography?

Justin Sorv
3 min readMay 25, 2024


Professional headshot photography is a specialized art form that goes beyond capturing a person’s face. It requires technical skill, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to make the subject feel comfortable and confident. Here’s a comprehensive look at how a headshot photographer in New York approaches their craft to produce high-quality professional headshots.

Pre-Session Preparation

  1. Consultation:

A professional headshot photographer begins with a consultation to understand the client’s needs. This involves discussing the purpose of the headshot, the desired style (corporate, creative, dramatic, etc.), and any specific requirements. This helps in planning the shoot and ensures that the final images align with the client’s objectives.

  1. Planning and Research:

Based on the consultation, the photographer may research the client’s industry or personal brand to tailor the shoot . They also plan the technical aspects. Such as the location (studio or outdoor), lighting setups, and background choices. It helps to suit the style and tone required.

Equipment and Setup

  1. Camera and Lenses:

Professional headshot photographers use high-quality cameras and lenses to ensure sharpness and clarity. Full-frame DSLR or mirrorless cameras paired with prime lenses, in the range of 50mm to 135mm. These are popular choices for their ability to produce flattering portraits with shallow depth of field.

  1. Lighting:

Lighting is crucial in professional headshot photography. Photographers often use a combination of natural light and artificial lighting. Such as softboxes, ring lights, and reflectors, to achieve a balanced and flattering illumination. The goal is to minimize shadows and highlights to create a smooth, professional look.

  1. Backgrounds:

Simple, non-distracting backgrounds are preferred to keep the focus on the subject. Common choices include solid colors, textured backgrounds, or environmental settings. It helps to add context without overwhelming the image.

The Photoshoot

  1. Setting Up the Scene:

On the day of the shoot, the photographer sets up the lighting and background according to the planned setup. They also test the equipment to ensure everything is functioning and the lighting is balanced.

  1. Directing the Subject:

A significant part of headshot photography is directing the subject to elicit natural, confident expressions. The photographer coaches the client on posture, angles, and facial expressions. Relaxation techniques and conversation are often used to put the subject at ease, which is essential for capturing authentic and engaging images.

  1. Composing the Shot:

Composition involves framing the subject properly within the shot. Photographers follow compositional rules such as the rule of thirds or golden ratio, but also adjust based on the specific needs of the headshot. Ensuring the eyes are sharp and well-lit is a key priority since they are the focal point of any portrait.


  1. Selection:

After the shoot, the photographer reviews the images and selects the best shots. This involves evaluating the technical quality, expression, and overall appeal of each photo.

  1. Editing:

Post-processing is where the images are polished to professional standards. This includes basic adjustments such as cropping, exposure, and color correction, as well as more advanced retouching. Skin smoothing, blemish removal, and subtle enhancements to features like eyes and teeth are commonly performed to ensure the subject looks their best while maintaining a natural appearance.

  1. Delivery:

The final images are then delivered to the client in the required formats. Professional photographers often provide both high-resolution files for print and optimized versions for web use, ensuring versatility for various applications.

In conclusion,

The headshot photographer in New York helps by blending technical expertise, artistic vision, and interpersonal skills. From the initial consultation to the final delivery. Each step is planned and executed to produce images that convey professionalism, confidence, and personality.



Justin Sorv

I have dedicated a couple of my years to creative writing at one of the Top-leading companies in the US, Canada, UK & Australia.